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CTTIC PROMOTION - Translation courses

Friday, October 02, 2020

CTTIC is happy to announce a partnership campaign between CTTIC and Magistrad to offer a training discount to individual members of CTTIC provincial societies .

The Promotion
- A 15% discount is offered on any online Magistrad course, synchronous or asynchronous, from now until Dec. 31, 2020.
- The d iscount can be applied to any synchronous or asynchronous course, even if the course is held la ter in 2021, as long as registration takes place on or before Dec. 31, 2020.
- T he discount only applied to individual member s of a CTTIC member society
- For asynchronous courses (may be followed any time): go to create an account and enter
promotional code PROMO CTTIC.
- For synchronous courses (real time only): go to http://magis , select course and register specifying Promotion CTTIC [Name of Provincial Society in the Comments box.
- You can find some extracts of Magistrad courses on their YouTube channel

This promotion will be in effect until Dec. 31, 2020, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!

NOTE: STIBC is NOT involved in the organization, content, or objectives of this promotion and courses.

© 2021 Society of Translators & Interpreters of British Columbia
Suite 400, 1501 W Broadway Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada), V6J 4Z6
Tel: 604-684-2940 Email
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